Museum label displayed with Forrest's Rhododendron protistum at RBGE.
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Original JPG File4608 × 3456 pixels (15.93 MP) 39 cm × 29.3 cm @ 300 PPI 3.3 MB |
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Contributed by
Leonie Paterson
Unapproved image
RBGE Copyright
Date (Digital Asset)
03 September 24
Brief Description
Museum label stating 'Rhododendron Giganteum, Forrest. Cross section of stem of a tree fully 90 feet high. This section was taken 12 feet from the base.'
DAM Collection
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AI description
The image features a label or plaque that describes a botanical specimen. It reads "Rhododendron giganteum, Forrest" and provides information about a cross section of the stem of a tree that is fully 90 feet high. The label notes that this particular section was taken 12 feet from the base of the tree. The text is presented on a light background with a dark border, and it appears to be part of a display related to the study or exhibition of this tree species.
RBGE Ref. No.
Marker lat / long: 55.966642, -3.205469 (WGS84)